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The Matrix Biology Europe (MBE) conference is the main European scientific event for the extracellular matrix research community that takes place every other year in a different European city. From previous records, 400-500 scientists worldwide have participated in MBE meetings. After Florence (Italy) in 2022, it is our great pleasure to organize the 2024 edition in the beautiful and great city of Lyon, France, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, from September 24-27.


MBE2024 intends to be the international scene of major findings, new concepts related to the field of extracellular matrix research and to provide a framework for future research. MBE2024 brings together scientists from academia, medicine, and industry to discuss all aspects of Extracellular Matrix Research, from genes to organisms.


MBE2024 aims at providing a collegial atmosphere that fosters exchanges of new ideas between senior investigators, upcoming young scientists and students. In addition to the traditional Rupert Timpl award and Dick Heinegärd Young Investigator award, MBE2024 will host a novel half-day satellite, Youth@MBE2024, organized by and for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. All students and post-docs are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting which will highly participate in the creation of their network.


We envision this meeting as a unique forum for our community and a unique opportunity to welcome newcomers in the field and to present and exchange new data and cutting-edge ideas about Matrix Biology research.


Come and join us in Lyon for this unique scientific adventure!


Florence Ruggiero

Conference Chair


Thank you to our partners!



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