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The École normale supérieure de Lyon is a French public Higher Education institution that prepares students for careers in the fields of higher education, Research and innovation. Students can acquire a wide range of skills and follow custom-made study schemes thanks to personalized and internationally oriented programs. Students share their time between courses and Research in Sciences and Humanities. Following the original ENS de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud tradition which was founded in 1880, the ENS de Lyon is also dedicated to pedagogical Research. A symbol of the French meritocracy, the ENS de Lyon is more than ever committed to disseminating knowledge to as many people as possible and to promoting equal opportunity.

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The ENS de Lyon is one of the four French écoles normales supérieures. Its campus is located in the Gerland neighborhood, 7th "arrondissement" of Lyon, near the Pasteur Bridge, on the left bank of the Rhône river, by the Confluences Museum and the Halle Tony Garnier less than fifteen minutes away from the Presqu'île (city center).

Easily accessible by public transportation, it is conveniently located 15 minutes away from the Perrache and Part-Dieu train stations and less than an hour away from Saint-Exupéry international airport.    

With its numerous facilities, the ENS de Lyon distinguishes itself by two main sites: the Descartes campus and the Monod campus.

The ENS de Lyon is part of the Université de Lyon and supports quality research that has earned it a Fields medal (Cedric Villani, 2010) and many CNRS medals. It encourages interdisciplinary studies to foster a better understanding of complex contemporary issues.



 ©credit photos V. Moncorgé et C. Bernon

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