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Registration > Registration

Regular registration open until July 25th, 2024 





 Image Rights

Please note that by registering to the MBE 2024, pictures and/or videos in which you may appear and be recognizable, may be taken or filmed, which you readily accept when completing your registration.

By registering for the conference you hereby authorize without any financial compensation, and for a period of 10 years starting on the first day of the event, the ENS de Lyon and the regulatory bodies of the IGFL Laboratory associated with the organization of the event, to broadcast these pictures and/or videos on their websites, social media, and on overall all communication media, and by all means, dedicated to the direct or indirect promotion of the event.


 *Proof of student category affiliation

All the participants registering as student must justify their affiliation at cellule.congres@ens-lyon.fr within 30 days after the date of registration. Will be accepted as a proof the following documents :

- valid student card

- schooling document 

- invitation to present a thesis less than 3 years old on September 24, 2024

If proof is not received on time, registration will automatically be cancelled and no reimbursement can be requested.


 **Proof of ISMB Membership

All the participants benefiting of the ISMB Membership discount must justify their affiliation to the society at cellule.congres@ens-lyon.fr before September 12th, 2024

If  proof is not received on time, registration will automatically be cancelled and no reimbursement can be requested.


 In case of asking for a refund, registration fees may be refunded as follows:

50% of the amount of the registration fee until May 24, 2024 included.

After May 25, 2024 no refund will be possible

To obtain this refund, a written request to cellule.congres@ens-lyon.fr is mandatory.

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